Routing #272476433


Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union Scholarship Program


The applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a graduating senior or 13th Year/Early College Program graduate.
  2. Be a resident of Alpena, Alcona, Cheboygan, Emmet, Iosco, Montmorency, or Presque Isle County.
  3. Enroll in a full-time college or other continuing education program after high school graduation.
  4. Applicant must become an AAACU member before a scholarship is disbursed.

The applicant must also provide the following:

  1. Provide two personal examples of how financial literacy has impacted you in essay format. Minimum of 400 words, written in your own words. No use of Artificial Intelligence allowed.
  2. A copy of your high school transcript
  3. Two teacher recommendations
  4. One other outside recommendation (employer, church, etc.)
  5. Applicant must be an active user of the Zogo financial literacy app through AAACU and have completed at least 10 modules of their choice. For more information on the app visit

This application must be completed in its entirety to be considered. 

The scholarship committee will set scholarship limits annually.  A minimum of  ten $1000 scholarships will be awarded. 

Due Date:  March 21, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.

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Check One:

Please upload your senior photo to be utilized in an announcing via social media and marketing platforms scholarship winners.

I undersigned, grant permission to Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union (AAACU), and its assigns, licensees, or successors, the right to record, publish and/or use my name, reproductions of my image, and my voice for advocacy, educational, marketing, publicity, or other purposes through any media as it relates to AAACU business.   
I fully understand that I will not be compensated for the use of the above described items.  Further, I do not hold AAACU or individuals who work for this organization, liable for any claims or damages that may result from a use consistent with my consent and this release.


If I am awarded this scholarship, I understand that I am required to repay it if I withdraw from or fail to enroll in a college or other continued education program within one year of the award. This requirement will not apply if I am unable to complete my program due to illness or disability.

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